Gold’s next moves? Blackrock, silver and bitcoin to back CBDC? Over-regulation worsens inflation?


Main talking points:

  1. Indonesia and China are making it easy for their citizens to buy and invest in gold.
  2. Is what Blackrock doing now a prediction of what’s to come for US’ CBDC?
  3. Dishing out regulations/standards left and right during near zero interest-rate era is coming to haunt us now in the form of exacerbating inflation.
  4. How US’ COMEX and UK’s LBMA can wreck the trend of using gold to de-dollarise, and how BRICS can fight back G7’s price manipulation of gold.



Dr Chian-Wen Chan

1) Chartered engineer and scientist, certified energy auditor. 2) Analyst in the geopolitics of energy, commodities, and finance, 3) BRICS/BRICS+ observer